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A New Era in Periodontal Care

Your Guide to Advanced Periodontal Health

How Does Perioproject Work?

What You Can Expect

Why Choose Cosmos Dental Studio for Perioproject?

Dr. Balla

Dr. Usha Balla, DMD

Say Hello to Your Dedicated Oral Health Provider, Dr. Usha Balla

"Prevention is the foundation for a lifetime of optimal wellness. With over ten years of experience, I am not specialized in pediatrics but have pediatric experience of 6 years due to practicing in pediatrics office, I am committed to improving oral health and enhancing my patients' overall well-being."
Here are the following organizations Dr. Balla is affiliated with:
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We Welcome Families

We understand the importance of making dental visits comfortable and enjoyable for children. Our office is designed to create a welcoming and relaxing environment for our young patients.

Prompt Same-day Care

Dental emergencies and injuries can happen at any time. That's why we offer same-day care to provide immediate relief and address your dental needs promptly.

A Red Carpet Dental Care Experience 

Convenient Scheduling

Soothing Atmosphere

Modern Care

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Perioproject work?

Perioproject works by analyzing various patient- and tooth-related factors to predict the health outcome of each tooth. It takes into account the patient's dental history, lifestyle factors like smoking and bruxism, and the current state of each tooth, including bone loss and furcation lesions.

Who can benefit from Perioproject?

Perioproject is ideal for patients undergoing periodontal maintenance, particularly those with a history of or susceptibility to periodontitis. It’s especially beneficial for patients in Elkridge, MD, seeking a holistic approach to dental care that prioritizes overall health and wellness.

What makes Perioproject different from other dental prognostic tools?

Unlike conventional methods that assign a general prognosis, Perioproject provides a specific probability of tooth loss and a detailed survival expectancy for each tooth. This precision aids in making more informed treatment decisions, tailored to each patient's needs.

Is Perioproject a reliable method for predicting dental health?

Yes, Perioproject is a highly reliable method for predicting dental health. It is based on a comprehensive database of 500 patients monitored over 20 years, providing a robust foundation for its predictions.

How can Perioproject improve my dental treatment plan?

Perioproject allows Dr. Balla to create personalized treatment plans. By understanding the specific risks to each tooth, we can prioritize treatments effectively, aiming for long-term dental health and stability.

Can Perioproject predict the exact time of tooth loss?

While Perioproject provides a highly accurate estimation, it does not predict the exact time of tooth loss. It offers a range of survival expectancy, helping to guide treatment decisions rather than providing exact timelines.

What are the key factors considered by Perioproject?

Perioproject considers eleven key predictors of tooth loss, including five patient-related factors (like smoking and bruxism) and six tooth-related factors (such as bone loss and probing pocket depth).

How often should I visit Cosmos Dental Studio for Perioproject analysis?

Regular visits are recommended for ongoing periodontal maintenance. The frequency of Perioproject analyses will depend on your individual dental health status, which Dr. Balla can determine during your visits.

How can I get started with Perioproject at Cosmos Dental Studio?

To get started with Perioproject, simply schedule an appointment at Cosmos Dental Studio. Dr. Balla and our team will conduct a comprehensive dental assessment and discuss how Perioproject can be integrated into your dental care plan.

Get your dream smile today

New patient special  

Includes basic cleaning, X-rays and exam.
New patients only. 2 offers Cannot be combined. Offers cannot be combined with insurance.
Expires on DATE.

Do You Take My Insurance?

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Delta Dental
MD Medicaid
Grid +
Carefirst Grid
Delta Dental PPO+Premier
United Concordia
MetLife (PDP Plus, FEDVIP)
Lincoln Financial Group
Guardian (FEDVIP Standard Option / FEDVIP High Option and Connection Dental Plus only)
Anthem (300/Complete)
Always Care/UNUM
Aetna (PPO)
Medicaid of Maryland
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Maryland
Tricare Retiree Dental Program
Tricare Active Reservists
Reliance Standard Life
Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Oregon (out of State Providers)
Public Employee Health Program (PEHP)
PrimeCare, Wisconsin State and Federal Employees and Medicaid
Medicaid of Utah
Managed DentalGuard
UFT Welfare Fund
Standard Insurance Co. of New York
Standard Insurance
Skygen USA
Securian/Patriot Dental
Decare Dental Health International (DDHI)
Delta Dental of New York
Delta Dental of New Jersey
Delta Dental of Indiana
Delta Dental Ins. Co. - Georgia
Delta Dental Ins. Co. - Florida
Delta Dental of Delaware
TRICARE Dental Program (TDP)
Sun Life Financial (United Concordia)
Securian Dental
Oklahoma DRS Doc
North Dakota Dental Service
Minnesota Blue Cross Dental (UCCI)
Phoenix Health Plans (DentaQuest)
Medicaid of Wisconsin, PrimeCare
Medicaid of Connecticut
Hershey Healthsmile
Healthsource Provident
HealthScope Benefits (Tribute Health Plan)
HealthScope Benefits/ Morris Associates
HealthScope Benefits / EHC Repricing
HealthScope Benefits/ACPMO
HealthScope Benefits
HealthChoice Oklahoma
Healthcare Highways
Physicians Mutual (Dental)
Florida Combined Life (Dental)
First Reliance Standard
Empire Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Direct Dental Administrators, Inc.
Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators
DentaQuest - Government
Dental Guard Preferred
Delta Dental (Northeast - ME, NH, and VT)
Medicaid of Texas - MCNA
Medicaid of Texas - DentaQuest
Medicaid of Tennessee, BlueCare
Medicaid of New York
Medicaid of Minnesota
Medicaid of Michigan
Medicaid of Indiana
Medicaid of Alabama
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 38 Health & Welfare Fund
Humana Specialty Benefits State of Florida Dental
Humana Specialty Benefits Florida Healthy Kids Dental
Humana CompBenefits Federal Plan Dental
HDS Medicaid
Hawaii Dental Service
Guardian Life Insurance Co. of America
Golden West Dental
Delta Dental of South Carolina
DeltaCare USA - Encounters
Delta Dental of Washington DC
Delta Dental Ins. Co. - Texas
Blue Shield of Washington / Regence of Washington Health
United Healthcare Global (Inside U.S.)
United Healthcare
United Concordia - Tricare Dental Plan
Medicaid of Wisconsin, Humana / TDC
Medicaid of Wisconsin - DentaQuest
Medicaid of Washington
Delta Dental
MD Medicaid
Grid +
Carefirst Grid
Delta Dental PPO+Premier
United Concordia
MetLife (PDP Plus, FEDVIP)
Lincoln Financial Group
Guardian (FEDVIP Standard Option / FEDVIP High Option and Connection Dental Plus only)
Anthem (300/Complete)
Always Care/UNUM
Aetna (PPO)
Medicaid of Maryland
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Maryland
Cigna (DPPO Only)
Aetna Dental Plans
United Healthcare
Dr. Balla

Connect With Us!

We want to provide you and your family with a rewarding dental care experience.
Call (443) 776-8801 or schedule online to set up your visit. We'll be in touch soon.

We want to provide you and your family with a rewarding dental care experience. Call (443) 776-8801or schedule online to set up your visit. We'll be in touch soon.